
Showing posts from December, 2020

Alfred de Rothschild : A Portrait of my father, by Almina, Countess of Carnarvon

  Alfred Charles De Rothschild : 1842-1918 Like me, my father Baron Alfred de Rothschild, had small feet.   He was Jewish and possessed a gigantic fortune. Alfred was a handsome man of medium stature and dark complexion. He owned a London house at 1, Seamore Place, Mayfair  which he acquired from Mr Christopher Sykes, the second son of Sir Tatton Sykes. It was bought for a sum that Sykes was unable to refuse. It was said there was no more popular a host in London than Alfred de Rothschild.  Alfred did not confine his hospitality to his own class. He ordered that every day good food be sent from his kitchens – always the very best of his -cook's efforts - to his many friends, especially those who were sick, and he sent many supplies to the poor and needy. Two years after my birth, in  1878, The Shah of Persia conferred the Order of the Lion and Sun upon my father as a token of appreciation in regard to certain financial dealings. He was always an astute man of business when he was

Almina Carnarvon and Alfred de Rothschild's Will : 1918: Financial Claims Considered

  Almina Wombwell, 5th Countess of Carnarvon  of Highclere Castle Alfred de Rothschild’s Legacy to Almina in 1918               Did  Alfred de Rothschild ( as one biography  claims )  leave Lady Almina Carnarvon,  “ virtually everything” in his Will? Baron Alfred de Rothschild  died on 31 January, 1918.  Incidentally, when was he made  "Sir Alfred" so dubbed by Highclere Caste's book on Almina?  " Sir"   is the usual title only for a Knight or a Baronet.  Alfred's usual title was  “ Baron ” and  this was more of a courtesy address stemming from the Rothschild family ’ s wider European extraction.  Only his brother,  Nathan Mayer Rothschild ( known as Natty)  ( 1840-1915)  was made a British Peer, he became the first Lord Rothschild,  a  title which continues in the Rothschild family to the present day.   In William Cross's book  “ The Life and Secrets of Almina Carnarvon ”   ( 2011) he suggests that Alfred   “ left much of his wealth to Almina ” .

Alfred de Rothschild and Almina Countess of Carnarvon

  Was Alfred de Rothschild Almina's Father? Baron Alfred de Rothschild : 1842-1918 Lady Almina of Highclere Castle There are those who contend that the Jewish banker  Baron Alfred de Rothschild  the   “ petit maitre ”  ( it means a fop or dandy)   was  Almina Carnarvon ’ s real father.   A physical resemblance between Alfred and Almina is  suggested.   Highclere's   biography of  Almina, of 2011 , entitled    “  Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey … .. ”   (a ghost -written fabrication full of errors and misrepresentations of Almina's life and times )   is particularly lame history  in only saying to back up its assertions of  Alfred as the father that   “  the question of Almina ’ s paternity can ’ t be conclusively determined with any certainty … . ”    Indeed!    Over  several paragraphs of the book  “The Life and Secrets of Almina Carnarvon” by William Cross , FSA Scot,  presents the detailed outcome of his long, extensive researches into the question of who was Alm